Tarot Cards

Your Interpretations

Your Interpretations

Now I have said before and I will say it again...and probably again after that, Do Not Use Book Definitions.
The book definitions on the cards although may not seem very vague, they leave a lot up to the querent to interperate. Take "Death" for example. This card states in the book (or most books anyway) that this is the "end" to something, and always a beginning to another.
THIS, beggining and ending....the end of one situation and the beginning of another is ALWAYS present in people's lives. This is how cold readings happen...lol. The cards are only supposed to sort of open up our own door to whispers.
Take the death card and look at it during your reading, what does it say to you? not just the book. What does it tell YOU about the situation at hand? 
I find that through every reading, moslty the cards "meanings" to me, change constantly. In one reading death could symbolize a drastic change for someone, yet in another reading, it could be a symbol or warning that the person is bringing an end to something that may not be the best idea.
OR another reading it could come up actually meaning DEATH, or someone slowly killing themselves with alcohol, drugs..ect..ect...so you see how this changes with our own inner knowledge.
One card, can mean so many things. It is all up to your focal point and what you feel.
At times, you will get feelings about a card that seems just totally off.
Trust yourself and your intuition. Spit out or take into consideration ALL feelings, thoughts, ect...that you pick up on a card. I garuntee you it will have some significance.

A lot of people ask me, "how do I know whether my thoughts/feelings on the card are my inner whispers or just my concious opinions"?
A lot of the time and with time, our concious opinions actually CAN be used. It is usually only when we are fully aware of a situation or have an understanding of the persons (or our own) questions that our concious opinions will fog things.
When you are starting your tarot reading, and you gain the calm in your mind, you are triggering your mind for the task at hand. KNOW that you have the answers or at least a road map through the tarot. Trust your intuition and trust your judgement regarding the cards that come up.
There is nothing wrong with using the book definitions as a guide either. Lets say you flip up some cards and NONE of them really say anything to you. It is then when you can open the book to gain an understanding of what the artist had intended his picture to say. Use this definition as a guide. Take the info from the book and sit with it for awile, bring in your focal point or question and THEN see how the book def fits into the situaiton at hand.

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