When using any form of divination, it is best to "clear your mind" before you start. Usually
when you are using divination, you have a specific question in mind. A focal point. Most often than not, you will have an
idea of the situation at hand, AND have your own concious opinion about it.
This has to be set aside.
If you have problems doing so, a simple meditation right before hand could do some good.
Now I could go on and on listing different forms of divination, there literally are thousands....some
not so known as others, so I will stick to what I know best. If you have questions regarding another method, please don't
hesitate to email me. I'll give you all the info I can.

Divination is the act of finding inner knowledge through the use of tools.
Tools being tarot cards, stones, sticks, palms, whatever, all of them are tools to enhance what we
all ready know.
It is like our concious mind is aware of the card/stone/ect...and has a picture to which the subconcious
mind can "interperate"....or vise versa.
What can Divination tell us?
Divination can not tell you your
specific future. We are the shapers of this and our choices and actions through life alter and mold our future. What divination
can do is show us our past and present and allow us to learn from it. It CAN predict future situations and guide us though
the choices and actions that present themselves through these situations. But the choice is always ours.
Divination sheds light in dark confusing times. It shows
us a hidden meaning to the struggles we face, it teaches us about our past and what we may have been missing.
Yes, many future occurances are predicted through divination,
but our choices and actions lead us down different "paths".
Divination can show us the outcome of these choices or actions,
it can show us what will come depending on which "path" we take.
This knowlege and guidance is within ALL of us. Every single
person. We were ment to have this guidance, I am sure you yourself have been witness to your own intuition or "hunch".
Divination allows us ,through the use of tools, to make our
inner knowledge shine. It helps to highten our awareness and tap into a connection that links ALL of us.
Anyone can use divination!

Here are some more well know methods of divination. Click on the links to learn more and please Feel
free to email me if you have any questions I haven't covered.
(more divination methods coming soon)
feel free to email Mother Anne with any questions or requests.