Tarot Cards

Your Interpretations


The Tarot cards for many people is the easiest form of divination to learn. This is because there are SOOO many different card styles that you are bound to find at LEAST one that suits you. Not only this, but the tarot really does sort of tell us a story through it's pictures. Rather than interperating your feelings/thoughts on a certain type of stone, the tarot actually gives us a physical picture to work with.
When choosing a deck, make sure to look at all the cards. Do the pictures tell a story to you? Do you enjoy looking at them? Do they have meaning to you? Can you hold them/shuffle them/ and flip them easily or comfortatbly?
You will find that when you are starting out, it is good to find a simple deck. One that does not have too much detail to them or it could get confusing for you when starting out.
Many readers have several different decks that they read from at different times or with different questions or focal points but again, it is best to start out with one deck for you to get used to.
When you purchase a deck, you will notice a big thick book to go along with it. It describes the suits/spreads/reversed...ect. but really this book should only really be glanced over once and set aside.
When we read the definitions out of a book, choosing thier spreads...and interpretations, we are not so much tapping into our own whispers of guidance rather the tools. Again, this will only give you what is called a "cold reading" (see frauds and cold readings).
The book definitions should only be used as a guide...if that. It is US who reads the cards WITH our own intuition and inner sight.
Once you have glanced at your cards and briefly skimmed the book...lol....take them out, one at a time and "get to know them". Look at each card individualy and notice what comes to your mind. Whether this be feelings, thoughts, situations, anything that comes to mind. Do this with the whole deck to get to know it a little better, this way, when you DO use it, you are not sitting there intently trying to notice all the details ect.....

Now I am not going to go through all the book definitions with you. I really do not see much point, for many reasons. One, each set of cards differs slightly in the book interpretations. Two, these interpretations really mean skwat in the long run...lol.
Feel free to browse the links to the left for some idea's on spreads, your interpretations, and timelines.
