Now you will notice, that I am not going into much detail on these meditations. This is because after a certain point
in these types of meditations different things happen to different people.
When we have expectations, it can fog our minds quite a bit, holding us back.
Some may start to see things, some may feel (intuition in a way), others smell objects..ect.....and some hear.
But going into this with these expectations or hopes only clouds us.
If absolutly NOTHING is happening, then the method is probably not for you and another one can be tryed.
Feel free to email me if you need some more info.
This meditation technique calls for you to brew up a special place in your mind. This special place
CAN be a real place, or your idea of a perfect place.
My special place is a forest, it is always quiet with only the sound of a nearby stream...that often
I sit along side to think. I will use this forest to describe to you how to get to your special place, just change the scenery
if you'd like.
1. Find a spot.
Find a comfortable place to sit/lay. It is often better to have no distractions around you however
in a busy city for example, quiet is not likely, SO USE your background to your advantage. Allow yourself to flow with the
background noise, make it a part of your focal point when starting.
Make sure your legs are not crossed or your not sittin on your they WILL fall asleep.
2. Breathe.
Your breathing should be deep breaths in through your nose, out through your mouth. Each breath your take, take in as
much air possibly comfortable. Don't strain to hold it or suck it in, just as much as you can comfortably.
Hold your breaths..again, to a comfortable count.
Many find focusing on their breathing is very easy because when we first start out meditating, we do need to concentrate
on it or we find ourselves not breathing properly.
3. Visualization
Here is where your focal point comes in ...the forest (or wherever you choose).
As I breath, I start to create the picture in my head. The ground beneath me is covered with cool grass that snuggles
in my toes and beween my fingers as I touch it. The tree's reach high but allow the soft beams of sunlight to shine down,
casting a gorgeous kind of a glow across the stream infront of me.
I hear the stream, I allow it to trickle past me and focus much on this sound when I start.
I can feel a cool breeze on my face and as I sit there, a contentment comes over me. I find my peace.
Allow yourself to see, feel, even smell your special place. Allow it to envelop you as you create it in your mind. Know
in your mind, that you are actually there.
Focus on this special place until you are able to turn around and see/feel/smell/whatever, everything comfortably and
This meditation is not the easiest for some people to do. It is actually very hard to hold such a picture in your mind,
to the point where you are almost interacting with it in a way. but again, "practice makes perfect". If you want even start
out with a simple place with little detail.

This, simply is combining your breathing (as previously explained in "Special Place") with the lights,
shadows and shapes that our eyes create when we close them.
Sounds pretty simple hey? Well it is.
Have you ever just sat there with your eyes closed and watched the swirling colours of light that are created when you
do? Try it even now. This is a perfect thing to focus on when attemtpting meditation. Unlike focusing on a picture in
your mind, It is a constant picture.
Watching these and breathing in the way described, can easily put you into a trance like state. I often use them at the
beginning of my meditation just because it is actually quiet relaxing watching.
Some may see the swirling light start to form shapes, perhaps even figures, allow it to come naturally and don't worry
if it doesn't happen.
Take into consideration how the shapes/figures, ect make you feel, what they make you think about. You could be telling
yourself something!

Often times when we try and free our minds of thought, we find ourselves overwhelmed with thought.
Let's use this, as beleive it or not, it works quite well.
Start with choosing your spot and starting your breathing.
Then allow yourself to focus on an object...lets say an apple as an example.
You are going to see the apple in your mind, down to every shiny or bruised detail on it. See the colours and the texture,
the shape and the size and become aware of that apple.
From there, we think of applesauce, and apple strudle, apple red, apple green, the shirt that your kindergarden teacher
used to wear with the big smiley face apple on the back...on and on. Allow yourself to fill your mind to the max with everything
related to apples. You will find that it doesn't take long before you become overwhelmed with GOING!!!!!!!
Keep going until you are compleatly out of apple related thoughts, it is then, you will see the apple connected to everything
else. You are one with the apple.
here is the calm.
(I know sounds a bit matrixie...but not how I am intending
When our minds are "full" like this, it grows tiered and MUCH easier to find the clairity and calm we are seeking. It
is like our minds explode into a calm state...exausted.....but calm.
This can even work if you are a student. I remember back in the day having such an easy time clearing my mind and finding
that calm after exams.

Now a big raging fire pit would be perfect for this, however a candle placed on a table near to you
will do just fine. Make sure it is placed in a way that is safe, but still allows you to sit comfortably/or lay, with the
flame falling naturally in your sight direction.
With this, you start with your eyes open and gaze into the flame as you breathe.
See every detail in the flame and become aware of it's motions in front of you.
As you start to relax with this flame, close your eyes keeping it in your minds eye.
Continue to see the flame buring in your mind and focus on it.
As you do, see it getting brighter and brighter until a glow is sort of eminating from it.
With each breath in you take, you draw some of that glowing light into yourself. See it in feet for example (with eyes
still closed). Feel the warm heat from the glow and keep breathing. Each time your breath out, envision all of your tension,
all of your minds debates leaving your body, only to be re filled with more glowing light from the flame.
Do this until the warm glow fills yourself. It is then, you should reach the calm.

As I said, there are so many different methods out there I could go on and on...but I'm not going
to. These are the methods I have found that most people found benificial. Try them and if you are still having problems,
feel free to email me.