Divine Whispers

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Developing Your Own Abilities


Now when I say "whispers" I really don't mean in a literal sense.
I use the word whispers just because it is the closest thing I can relate to, in how this inner guidance comes.
Whispers take an intent on listening and a strong intent must be present when trying to tap into your own inner guidance. Or at least, our minds must be in the right state of mind to recieve this guidance.

Many people see psychics as those who have "gifts", what they do not realize, is that every person here, has these gifts.
It is the gift of guidance and we are all meant to have it. Whether we use it and develope it, well that is our choice.
As I have said, this guidance often comes is whispers....no, not actually literally but rather there is a need to quiet the mind, in order to understand.
It is like being in a crowded room, full of chatter and you sit there intent on hearing the person across the room.....NOT gonna happen unless you quiet the whole bunch.
Life, the drama's, happy times, hardships, ect...they all cloud our minds in a way when we are trying to "tap in" to our abilities.  We are here to learn and to grow, but can get very caught up in things, forgetting our true purpose, loosing our true self.
It is when we set aside the drama's of life, and quiet the mind, that we hear these whispers, we understand the confusion and see light in the direction we are best to follow.
There are many different ways to find these inner whispers.  Some work better for others, each person is different and should find a method that suits them and thier life style.
Feel free to email me with any questions.

No psychic can tell you what will come absolutly far into your future...not precicelly anyway. We are the shapers of our future. Our choices and our actions are what create and change our future.  The outcomes in our lives, depend much upon these choices and actions and no one but US can tell us whether we will choose or act a certain way!
That said, much CAN be predicted, but only in a guiding way.
Our inner knowledge can help lead the way for us. It can give us clairity in foggy times and shed light on dark situations.
We know how our choices and actions will effect our lives, it is just a matter of asking and listening to ourselves.


Quieting The Mind:
Now many will tell you, that a quiet place in meditation is needed for this. I disagree. I know a great number of people who are able to do this DURING thier busy life. T.V. on in the background, kids playing in the next room..ect..ect... It is all a matter of putting aside "life". What is going on in your life.....kids need to get to soccer practice, need to get caught up in work, painting the house....FORGETT IT. Just let it all go and go into what I like to call "BLA state".
Many people actually find that music in the background or a constant hum of traffic from the city is a good way to "unfocus" you mind or "tune out" life.
We are not nessesarily trying to stop thinking all together, but rather focus in rather than out. 
 "Out "being our life. Our work, relationships, family, responsibilities, scheduals, ect...ect... And "in" being our true self...our soul if you will. It is THIS part of ourselves that we are trying to touch in a way. Our true self is fully aware of the challenges we've had and those to come and the purpose of them...the lessons to be learned from them.
It is when we become one with our true self,  that our paths become clearer and a map is set infront of us.
See my page on "meditation techniques" for deeper info on methods to reach this "calm state".


Setting Aside Your Expectations:
Many of you probably all ready have a vague idea in your head on how these "inner whispers" will come. You may be preparing to have visions, or actually hear a voice within you.
Set these expectations aside.
Yes, some do see, some hear, some feel, some sense, some even smell if you want to get right down to it...but as of now, it is of little importance HOW it will come.

By hanging on to expectations like this, you are all ready starting to focus your mind on what should be happening. It is very easy to get sidetracked and actually miss what comes to you simply because it is not how you expected.
Many people who have the ability of "sight" will often tell you it is nothing you would ever expect...the way in which it comes.
So when we do expect to see things, we are expecting so hard that we are shutting one door and pulling hard on another....that just won't open.


Divination, simply put is enhancing your natural abilities through the use of tools. Tools being Tarot cards, rune stones, flames, mirrors, ect..ect..the list goes on.
The tools are used to enhance what you all ready know. It is like opening a door for these whispers I spoke of.
Divination for me, sort of puts a picture or a clairity on what I "feel". Most people make the mistake of using the words right out of the books. Taking every interperatation from the books. THIS, will give you a "cold reading" (see "frauds and cold readings").
Divination is a tool, and should be used as such.
There are SOOOO many methods of divination it is just too many to name them all. But with so many forms, I can garuntee you will find one that works with you.
Anyone can use divination, it has been used across the world for MANY years. In all walks of faith and cultures. 
Remember, as the old saying goes "practice makes perfect"...do not give up easily when attempting divination. It really takes a bit of time to get comfortable with the tool.
(See "Divination Methods" for deeper info)


Divine Connection
The guidance that we do recieve as I said is within us. When we clear our minds of the clutter in life, we have oppertunity to connect with the divine...God....higher power...whatever you want to call it.  (I am going to call it "the divine")
In life, as we go blindly on about our buisness our "true self" is dwelling within us. Some may call it our "soul". Our soul has purpose, from what we know (yes, there is a lot we don't know,) life is full of lessons. Our souls, are fully aware of what lessons we are here to learn. Our souls are directly connected to the divine...a part you, a part of everything.
When we find that connection to our true self, our "deeper self", we find a connection with the Divine.


